Inkscape tutorials cartoon
Inkscape tutorials cartoon

inkscape tutorials cartoon

To round the corners of the jaw and chin go to the Path tab and select Path Effects( Ctrl & ), click the plus button, then look for Corners(Fillet/Chamfer). Now select the circle with the molded rectangle together by holding ( Shift ) and go to the Path tab in the top menu and select the Union( Ctrl + ).

inkscape tutorials cartoon

Do the same for the nodes at the top of the jaw. Now bring both nodes closer together by holding ( Shift ) and clicking on the arrow handles next to the nodes. Select the other two nodes and drag them down together by holding ( Ctrl ). Select the middle node and hit ( delete ) to remove it. Select the bottom two and add three new nodes by clicking on the Insert New Nodes into Selected Segments button right above the Select tool. Hit ( N ) on the keyboard to edit the nodes. With the rectangle selected go to the Path tab in the top menu and select Object to Path( Shift Ctrl C ). Make sure to snap to the top rectangle edges to the circle just slightly below the centerline of the circle. Switch to the Squares and Rectangles tool( R ) and draw a rectangle that goes to the top of the jaw. Make sure to toggle on Snapping to Paths. Using the Circles and Ellipses tool( E ) draw a perfect circle( hold Ctrl ) to match the size in the image. You will be able to see your lines more clearly. Make sure the lock icon is closed to ensure the image will scale down by the same proportion.Īdjust the opacity to about 50% to help make tracing easier. If you want to be precise change the height of the image( H ) to 583px, found in the top bar. Shrink the image down by holding ( Ctrl ) and clicking one of the corner arrow handles. Once download just drag the image file into Inkscape and accept the options dialog box that comes up. Step by Step Guide to Creating a Cartoon Vector Portrait Step 1 – Download and Import Imageįirst, download the image file HERE from Unsplash. The overall goal here is to make everything instantly readable but still have a somewhat realistic look. Just because we are using a photo reference doesn’t mean we can’t add some more cartoon like features. In this Inkscape tutorial, you will learn how to create a cartoon portrait vector design from a photograph.

Inkscape tutorials cartoon